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Faculty Handbook

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Faculty Handbook 2024-06-06T16:06:37+00:00

Faculty Handbook

Welcome to the exciting world of teaching at Highline College! 

The New Faculty Handbook is designed to introduce you to the procedures and policies you may need to know as a Highline faculty member.  If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact your appropriate department coordinator, or division chair.

Your department coordinator is your strongest link with the College.  Communicate with your coordinator regarding teaching assignments, curriculum, textbooks, grading, student evaluations, and any other concerns you have about the instruction you do.  Unable to reach your coordinator?  Try the division chair or your faculty administrative assistant. 

We hope your experiences at Highline will be positive and rewarding.  Again, please feel free to contact my office with suggestions, concerns and questions you may have.

Emily Lardner
Vice President for Academic Affairs

Faculty Handbook in sections:

Topic Who to contact
Class assignments: how classes are assigned and scheduled, summer assignments, moonlights; standard textbook usage for classes; most teaching and class related matters. Department Coordinator
Software and computer issues, e-mail and account permissions and privileges, IT equipment check-out, classroom IT issues. Information Technology Services
Canvas issues including technical difficulties as well as best practices and design strategies for online classes; help with remote teaching, Panopto, and Zoom. Educational Technology
Access to offices and classrooms, printing and classroom supplies, past class syllabi, travel and professional development forms and processes.  Administrative Assistant for your Division 
Highline policies and procedures; general support with professional development, finding resources, tenure, post-tenure, promotion, and other processes. Division Chair
Confidential consultations on teaching and professional development resources; support with evidence-based, equity-centered teaching strategies; workshops and other professional development on teaching and advising. Learning and Teaching Center
Advising loads, processes, policies, and best practices; using Aviso and ctcLink for advising; training on faculty advising. Program Manager, Faculty Advising
Labor contract, employment policies, and procedures. HCEA Faculty Union Representatives
Benefits and pay; employment policies and procedures; Title IX – Reporting discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Human Resources

Full Faculty Handbook:

(updated Spring 2024)