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Faculty Advising

What is Faculty Advising?

Faculty Advising, also known as equity-competent educational planning, includes “mentoring advisees on coursework, program and/or transfer options, career plans, and graduation requirements; helping the student create an academic plan reflective of students’ academic and career goals; addressing concerns regarding academic progress; providing referrals to campus services as needed; and assisting with timely registration.” – HCEA-HC Agreement 2022-2025

Faculty advisors serve as a collaborative partner and valuable resource for students by helping to create a welcoming environment, assisting with navigating the complexities of academic planning, and providing support for those seeking balance between school and life. Therefore, intentional and proactive advising is critical for students to find success, meet academic requirements, graduate with their degree and achieve their educational goals – in a timely manner.

Types of Faculty Advising participation include:

  • 1-on-1 advising
  • In-class advising
  • Small-group advising
  • Pathway Advising days
  • Other individual work with students

For questions regarding Faculty Advising please contact:

Liz Word
Dean, Dean for Academic Pathways & Student Learning Resources
(206) 592-4651

Beth Carter
Director, Faculty Advising

Zoe Harris
Program Manager – Academic Pathways Planning and Faculty Advising, Academic Pathways and Student Learning Resources
(206) 592-3327

HCEA Contract (2023-2025): Faculty advising expectations (see Appendix F, pg. 123)

 4-Phase Advising Model at Highline College

The Roadmap to College Success explains the standard advising path for students at Highline.

Entry Advisors are available to help students just getting started at Highline or returning after a break, to complete all the pre-enrollment tasks in order to enroll in classes including activating Highline accounts, completing math and English placement, developing a funding plan, transferring credits if needed, exploring Highline Degree Pathways, New Student Orientation, and getting connected to campus resources.

Academic Pathway Advisors in the Advising Center are generalists who can assist students during their first 30 credits at Highline. Pathway Advisors help students with navigating college, selecting the first quarter’s classes, choosing a program (Highline Degree Pathway), and beginning to explore career and transfer options.

Faculty Advisors work with students who have earned 30 or more credits or have interest in specific certificates or degrees. They are experts in their discipline who can provide guidance and support for a particular career or major, in addition to assisting students create an academic plan for their chosen program, providing referrals to campus services and resources, and promoting student interest in service learning opportunities, like internships.

Advisors in the Career and Transfer Services serve all students in planning beyond Highline College. They help students build the knowledge and skills to make informed choices about careers, student employment, and transfer options, in addition to partnering with many external stakeholders, including transfer schools and employers.

General Advising Resources

Tools, tips and resources to get started with advising and help students navigate Highline

Advising Training Tools and Resources

Self-paced learning tools and resources for faculty advisors

  • Watermark for Faculty & Staff: Aviso login, how-to guides, and links to drop-in support sessions
  • Watermark Advising Basics: Overview of faculty advising contract requirements and how to satisfy them 
  • ctcLink Tutorials: Screenshots for what students would see when navigating ctcLink.
  • Faculty Advising Canvas Course: “Choose your own adventure” modules for obtaining advising information and developing advising skills
    • Click on “Panopto Recordings” or scroll to “Workshop Recordings and Slides” for archived advising presentations
  • Learning and Teaching Center: Resources, services, and professional development events for instructors

Academic Planning Tools

Tools and resources to use while assisting students with academic planning