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Coordinator Resources 2025-01-27T22:50:59+00:00

Coordinator Resources

Highline College campus

Please see below for the most recent updated information for Faculty Coordinators.

Academic Affairs Budgets

For information about budgets, please go to the Academic Affairs Budget Canvas shell.

If you have trouble accessing the Academic Affairs Budget canvas shell or have budget related questions, please contact Rachel Homchick.

Below is a sample text to include in a welcome letter for new part-time faculty

Faculty who are new to teaching at Highline College will be required to complete:

  • Highline’s Canvas orientation course in time for the course to be published as required.
  • A stipend of $250 will be provided upon successful completion of that course, whether faculty complete the course or use the “test out” option.
  • Faculty who upload their certificate of completion from SBCTC’s Canvas 101 course will be exempted from completing the course.
  • New faculty who are scheduled to teach and successfully complete Highline’s Canvas orientation are eligible for the stipend even if the class section is canceled or shifted to a different instructor. (Section 303.2 in the contract)

Here is the message that IT sends out or encourages you as coordinators to send out:

If you’ve received ctcLink EMPL_ID, you should also have your MyHighline account.

You can contact the Help Desk at 206-592-4357 to get the login ID and set your password. In brief, the two sets of credentials work like this:

ctcLink – grades, rosters, and payroll information.
MyHighlineEmail, Canvas, and pretty much everything else on campus.

Once you have your MyHighline working, you can start the Canvas orientation, which will be automatically added to your Canvas account about 24 hours after your account is set up.

Log in to Canvas with your MyHighline username and password and look for the Canvas Orientation (and User Guide) course.

  • If you’re new to Canvas, work through the modules and complete the assignments and quizzes.
  • If you’re experienced with Canvas, you can “test out” of the Orientation by skipping the readings and videos. Complete the assignments and quizzes only. You can use courses you built at other institutions for examples in the screenshots, as long as the screen shots meet the assignment criteria.
  • You can also upload a completion certificate from the State Board’s Canvas 101 course, and complete Module 10 of the orientation.
    Once the assignments have been graded (usually within a day), your courses will appear.

As for teaching online, hybrid, and other modes, let me introduce our Educational Technology team! We have a team of faculty who can help with setting up your course. Book a one-on-one appointment with usLinks to an external site., drop in to our Search for EdTech Intelligence. sessions, or email et@highline.edu to connect.

Coordinators are responsible for communicating with their department faculty and with campus scheduling (Monditza Fournier and Kili Cambra) to create a schedule of courses each quarter. They are also responsible for ordering books for each course using Verba (Sandra Herland). Coordinators watch enrollments and determine when to add or cancel classes. Here are the guidelines for making scheduling decisions.

Coordinator/BAS Coordinator Responsibilities

Coordinator responsibilities for credit programs include the following. Coordinator responsibilities for the English Language, Career and Academic Prep (ELCAP) department are defined in a list maintained by the department and approved by the CAO or their designee.
  1. Schedule classes in accordance with the department’s approved process
  2. Manage department enrollment
  3. Manage full-time faculty moonlights
  1. Norm course expectations across multiple sections
  2. Manage/update certificates and degrees, as applicable
  3. Work with department faculty to create/maintain department curriculum
  1. Facilitate the recruitment, hiring, support, and evaluation of part-time faculty and lecturers in their departments in accordance with negotiated processes.
  2. Ensure that part-time faculty have access to the resources they need to be successful as teachers at Highline, including but not limited to:
    a. The part-time faculty Canvas course, which includes:
    i. information about affiliate status and multi-quarter appointments
    ii. Process for requesting payment for attending meetings
    iii. Process for requesting professional development funds
    b. Information about department, division, and college meetings
    c. Part-time Faculty Advisory Committee charge and contact information
    d. Information about part-time faculty evaluation process
  1. Manage, review, and approve graduation applications for professional-technical students
  2. Manage department budgets
  3. Coordinate book orders, as applicable
  4. Manage the department advisory committee, including scheduling meetings, as applicable.
  5. Facilitate external accreditation processes, as applicable
  6. Ensure the completion of the Departmental Annual Assessment Review.
Coordinators shall carry out their responsibilities in a timely manner. If these tasks occur outside of the faculty academic calendar, the Division Chair or appropriate administrator must try to reach the Coordinator.
If the Coordinator cannot be reached or cannot respond to the task in a timely manner, the Division Chair or appropriate administrator may complete the task unless prior arrangements have been made by the Coordinator and approved by the Division Chair.
In addition to the duties described above, BAS Faculty Coordinators shall:
  1.  Attend regular BAS meetings held with BAS Associate Dean
  2. Advise BAS students through program requirements
  3. Convene advisory board meetings to assist with program evaluation, curriculum development, job placement and recruiting, public relations and to track trends
  4. Assist with recruitment, engagement and retention of BAS students

Division Chairs and Coordinators Resources

Department Coordinators

Graduation for Coordinators

New course proposals and course revisions are done through Curriculog

Click the following link for the Catalog Timeline  

For anyone who does not currently have access to Curriculog , please contact Kili Cambra.

Because of the need to turn off Curriculog to changes for a few months while the new catalog gets published, it will be unavailable for course changes/additions from March 1st through the actual publishing date (the goal is mid-May.)

Once in Curriculog, you may propose a new course or revise an existing course (this exact procedure is laid out in a separate “how to” document and a canvas course.) The LTC provides training workshops on both Curriculog and learning outcomes.

Each course will have an “owner” depending on the prefix used. That will determine who is on the approval chain (which coordinator, which chair and which dean) as it moves through.

Approval process is as follows:

  • Initiator makes all needed changes and approves
  • Learning outcomes are reviewed and updated as needed through dialog between content expert and outcomes reviewers. If changes are needed, the initiator makes the changes. (this step can be done beforehand through one-on-one meetings or email conversations)
  • Placement Center verifies that appropriate pre-requisites are listed and written as needed for clarity. Any Math, English placement is determined as well.
  • Department Coordinator/Program Manager (based on the “owner” of the course. For example, anything with a MATH prefix would automatically need to be approved by MATH coordinator.”
  • Division Chair (for Achieve it goes straight to Dean)
  • Dean of Instruction (Transfer or Prof Tech depending on prefix)
  • DG approval if needed (requires additional information/application within course proposal) – this is then reviewed by the DG committee
  • Admin approval: this step is to make sure that any changes that were needed that did not get done can get entered without needing to start the process all over. (This is currently Kili)
  • Instruction Council – a final look by a committee made up of Deans, Division Chairs, other divisional representatives. This step is primarily for any substantive changes or new courses, but also provides another set of eyes for any minor issues as indicated below. Instruction Council cannot make any changes, only notify parties involved.

Note: any changes made are done through discussion/collaboration with everyone in the process using a comment function in the approval process. The initiator is aware of any changes made by anyone along the process through the “view with changes” option. The initiator receives emails as the proposal makes its way through the process. Each change is shown and the person making the changes is indicated. Most changes include checking or unchecking boxes that were incorrect, fixing placement information, cleaning up outlines, fixing typos etc., not substantive/curricular changes.

Transferable Elective Information

Highline Transferable Electives

Course Management System (Curriculog)

Each course offered needs to be in our course management system. We used to use documents called CAF’s (course approval forms) but since putting our catalog online we began using a tool called Curriculog. Curriculog is found by going to curriculog.highline.edu. The following link provided training on how to use the system for new courses and revisions of existing courses. It is important to follow the directions so that the information is stored correctly in the system. Canvas Courses

It is recommended you contact the Learning and Teaching Center (LTC) for help with learning outcomes if you need help revising them before submission.

Things to pay attention to:

  • If you check a box for a distribution area, you do not check the transferable elective box. The transferable electives are very specific courses that are NOT typically included in distribution. The list can be found at the end of this module.
  • Classes that count as Related Instruction (RI) for Prof Tech courses are agreed upon by the departments. Please contact the Dean of Workforce if you want to submit a course for approval for RI. The list of current Related Instruction courses are found at the end of this module.
  • Any course that is requesting DG status needs to have the bottom portion of the form filled out and the application will go to the DG committee for approval.
  • Lab/Lecture hours impact the number of contact hours per week. Lab contact hours are 2 to 1. If you say it is 4 credits of lecture and 1 credit of lab that equates to 6 contact hours per week.

Which boxes do I check?

  • As you are creating/revising courses in Curriculog you will see a lot of options you will need to choose from.
  • Distribution: You need to determine if your course meets any of the distribution requirements (Communications, Quantitative, DG requirement, PE, Social Science, Humanities, Science Lab, Science). If you are unsure, please ask! The best option is to contact the Dean of Transfer Pathways & Partnerships.
  • If you choose PE – you need to pick either activity or theory
  • If you choose DG- you need to fill out the application found at the bottom of the form and fill in the DG outcomes as well as the regular course outcomes.
  • Restricted Elective or Transferable Elective: If a course meets distribution above, it is automatically transferable and you don’t need to check either of these (note: PE Theory is the exception to this rule) Professional Technical courses will most likely check the “restricted” box, and the list found later in this module will be “transferable electives.” Those are statewide agreements so again, don’t “guess.”
  • Related Instruction: Prof Tech programs have related instruction requirements. The list of the courses that qualify are found in this module. If you think your course should qualify, contact the Dean of Workforce Programs to have it considered.
  • BAS distribution: These are for the required Gen Ed credits in each BAS. These are typically 300/400 but not always.


This section is under revision. Updated content is coming soon.

Assessment Committee web page

Program Improvement Process

(summer, moonlight, coordinator selection etc.)

Department Scheduling Procedures

Each department is required to submit a scheduling procedure for assigning courses to full-time instructors. It also needs to contain the departmental procedure for scheduling/assigning summer courses. This is not about scheduling courses, it is about how the coordinator/department assigns faculty to those courses. The primary provision is that it cannot be “by seniority.”

The administration provided the following information to help guide the discussion within your department:

Criteria to consider:

  • The instructor’s background/preparation for the specific course content
  • Reasonable opportunity for others to “take turns” in teaching the course, timeslot, etc.
  • A maximum/minimum number of times an instructor can retain priority for a given course assignment before a review
  • Course development priority (i.e., how many times, maximum/minimum, does the developer have priority after initial approval?)
  • Position announcement priority (i.e., how many times after hire does a new faculty member have priority/responsibility for teaching courses, if any, specified in the recruitment documents?)

Process models to consider

  • A “term limit” process (e.g. “N repeats of a course allowed, if not challenged”)
  • Models that foster innovation (i.e., encourage instructors to try new assignments)

Models to avoid

  • Lotteries
  • Simple turn-taking (i.e., everyone rotates through every course)
  • Permanent assignment of “ownership” of a course, timeslot, or format by one instructor

List of Current Department Scheduling Policies

*This is a list of the Department scheduling policies from everyone*

Moonlights for Full-Time Faculty: If there are enough courses available, full-time faculty may choose to teach a moonlight class. Moonlight appointments are normally limited to no more than 5 credits and must be online, weekend, 7 am or earlier, or 4 pm or later.

Part-Time Faculty Loads: Part time faculty can teach up to 15 credits per quarter without special permission.

PAF’s (Personnel Action Forms) were forms in the old system created by HR to make sure both adjunct and moonlight contracts are produced and paid correctly.

You will get an email each quarter from Academic Affairs that includes a link to the current file in the “PAF Approval Google drive”, along with directions like what follows:


  1. Click the link (above to go to the folder)
  2. Click on this file: Current quarter file
  3. Review the file entitled PAF’s example to see how the data is presented.
  4. Find your department tab and review the data.
  5. If the information is correct, click Yes or No in the APPROVED column.
  6. If the information is not correct, indicate why in the NOTES column.
  7. If something is missing, please list it on your department tab.

This is your opportunity to ensure that both moonlight and part-time contracts are being generated and are correct.

The coordinator determines when more part-time faculty are needed and follows this process as outlined in the HCEA Contract.


  1. The Department Coordinator informs the appropriate Dean or Administrator of the need to hire an adjunct faculty member(s), the proposed timeline, and the proposed processes. The Department Coordinator and the Dean/Administrator will determine the process for filling vacant positions, including those instances that arise due to unforeseen circumstances.
  2. The hiring process usually involves a committee of at least two members, at least one of whom is a member of the department. The second member may be another faculty member or, at the request of the Department Coordinator, a Dean or appropriate administrator.
  3. The committee will review pertinent applications and credentials, conduct interviews, and submit recommendations to CAO/CSSO or designee for final selections.
  4. In all instances, the CAO/CSSO or their designee will make the final decision on hiring.

A job description for the position shall be developed by the Department Coordinator and approved by the appropriate Dean, who shall submit it to the CAO and the Office of Human Resources.

When part-time faculty positions are advertised, the Office of Human Resources will assist in developing a diverse pool of applicants reflecting the student body served by Highline College.

A note on NeoGov: PT faculty must apply to the college through NeoGov. There is a general Part Time Faculty open/continuous option that will work for any program. Applicants can go to the following URL: Part-Time Faculty Job Posting(s)

Most PT faculty are hired through job-specific postings. Either way, candidates must be entered into NeoGov before the hiring process can move forward.

In unforeseen circumstances when there is an urgent and unmet need where time doesn’t allow for the full process, a part-time faculty may be hired for one quarter without going through this full process. (They still need to apply to the college through NeoGov.) In this situation, the faculty may be observed twice during the quarter by the Department Coordinator (or faculty designee).

Assuming the need for the position extends beyond the one quarter, the part-time faculty hired through the emergency process will be retained for the second quarter (except for just cause) during which time the job shall be posted and a recruitment shall be conducted in a timely manner for the 3rd quarter from when the emergency hire was done. The emergency hire is encouraged to formally apply.

The process to hire part-time faculty is outlined on the HR website.

This document details the process to hire and onboard a new part time faculty member. Checklists for each party to the process are at the end of the document.

Once a successful candidate is identified, the process can be expected to take about three to four weeks, assuming everyone involved responds quickly.

  • Onboarding, setting up pay, etc – 2 weeks
  • Scheduling/Course assignment – 2 business days,
  • ITS – 2 business days, plus the time for the instructor to activate their accounts, and
  • EdTech – 1-2 business days after the instructor completes the Canvas Orientation.

Process details

HCEA-HC 2022-2025 Contract Section 801.2.2 Hiring Process

  1. The Department Coordinator informs the appropriate Dean or Administrator of the need to hire an adjunct faculty member(s), the proposed timeline, and the proposed processes. The Department Coordinator and the Dean/Administrator will determine the process for filling vacant positions, including those instances that arise due to unforeseen circumstances.
  2. The hiring process usually involves a committee of at least two members, at least one of whom is a member of the department. The second member may be another faculty member or, at the request of the Department Coordinator, a Dean or appropriate administrator.
  3. The committee will review pertinent applications and credentials, conduct interviews, and submit recommendations to CAO/CSSO or designee for final selections.
  4. In all instances, the CAO/CSSO or their designee will make the final decision on hiring.

Recruit for a new adjunct faculty position

  1. After a new adjunct faculty position has been identified per #1 above, the coordinator forwards the following information to Human Resources (HR): 
    • A position description,
    • The expected/needed start date/quarter,
    • The combo code—this comes from Director for Instructional Planning & Budget Rachel Homchick 
  2. HR creates the job posting for the coordinator’s review and approval.
  3. HR advertises the position through the HC web page, campus email, and other sources. The position is posted for a minimum of 10 days. The posting is kept open until the position is filled, allowing for additional applications. 
  4. Once the applicant deadline is reached, HR screens applications for minimum qualifications (maximum 2 days, but usually same day). Applicants meeting the minimum qualifications will be forwarded to the coordinator for the SME review via NeoED. Usually, the coordinator would include at least one colleague in this selection process, per contract guidance above.
  5. The department coordinator/screening committee determines which applicants they will contact and interview.
    • If a successful candidate is identified, the coordinator will inform the candidate and HR.
    • If no successful candidate is identified, the coordinator and HR collaborate to recruit additional applicants. 
  6. HR contacts the candidate via email/phone to schedule the onboarding appointment and notifies the rest of the candidate pool to let them know another candidate has been selected.
    • All recruitment materials and applicant information are sent to HR and retained in HR for two years.

Adjunct faculty is pre-identified, there was no recruitment- aka 801.2.6 Emergency Hire process:

    1. Coordinator and Dean/Appropriate Administrator determine the need for an emergency hire with no open recruitment. Coordinator informs HR of the name of the new adjunct faculty
    2. All adjunct faculty must apply in NeoED:
    Per Section 801.2.6, a part-time faculty hired through the emergency process may be retained for a second quarter, at which time the job shall be posted and a recruitment be conducted in a timely manner for the 3rd quarter. The emergency hire is encouraged to formally apply.

Onboardingonce the PT faculty has been selected

Please note that it takes about two weeks to complete the onboarding process from the date HR was notified, assuming that the new hire is responsive and available.

1. The following information must be provided to HR (email acceptable)

  • Start date – coordinator
  • VP Academic Affairs approval – coordinator

2. HR will contact the adjunct faculty member via email/phone to schedule the onboarding appointment. Once the appointment is scheduled, HR sends:

  • Sexual Misconduct Declaration form (form can be returned via email)
  • Campus Map
  • I-9 detailed instructions and list of acceptable documents

3. The adjunct faculty must bring:

  • I-9 supporting documents
  • Completed Sexual Misconduct Declaration if not already returned to HR
  • Official Transcripts – due three weeks after the start of the quarter. Otherwise placed in column A.

4. HR notifies the new adjunct faculty of the following:

  • They must activate their ctcLink and MyHighline accounts
  • They must complete the Canvas Orientation

5. HR will determine the salary placement based on the transcripts and resume that the adjunct faculty presented. The adjunct faculty will default to column A if transcripts are not provided within 3 weeks of the start of the quarter. If later than three weeks after the quarter begins, adjunct faculty will need to wait until the next quarter they teach to advance a column based upon their transcripts.

6. HR will enter new hires’ information into ctcLink and notify ITS via shared google spreadsheet to create a new employee account. HR will add the following information to the spreadsheet:

  • Date of entry into the spreadsheet
  • Name
  • Employee type
  • Identify if the person/position is new or replacing someone
  • Job title
  • Department
  • Supervisor
  • Location (from supervisor)
  • Contact person
  • Download (input) date from HR
  • Start date

7. HR will inform the adjunct faculty and department coordinator with approval to work via email.

Scheduling/Course Assignment

Can begin as soon as the ctcLink account is created and done in parallel with other steps. This takes 1-2 days once Scheduling is notified of the class assignment.

  1. Department coordinator notifies scheduling office of class assignment
    Also added to advisor table if appropriate
  2.  Instructor added to scheduled course.
  3. Contract is run by Academic Affairs

Information Technology Services

Information Technology Services (ITS) starts when an employee is added to the new accounts shared spreadsheet. The basic account creation steps are done 1-2 business days from the day a new employee is entered in that spreadsheet. 

  • Network accounts are created immediately regardless of start date. Newly hired faculty need to activate their ctcLink and MyHighline accounts. A new instructor has access to ctcLink, email, and Canvas overnight.
  • Other resources are activated once the coordinator responds to the ticket requesting which resources they should access. If no response is received from the coordinator, ITS reaches out to Academic Affairs for assistance.

ITS will add the following information to the spreadsheet:

  • ITS created
  • Email created
  • Notify supervisor/Solarwinds ticket # requesting information
  • Telephone extension created (if requested by coordinator)
  • VPN created (if requested)
  • Resource account (if requested)
  • Equipment needs, e.g. laptop. Request may require two weeks to process.
  • Access to department shared drives (Should be set up by department)
  • Adobe Creative Cloud Access
  • Zoom Access (upon request from supervisor)
  • Pharos
  • Web site editing (upon request from supervisor)
  • Notes
  • Comments if any

The following items are automatically created when an ITS account is created. (Takes 24 hours.)

  • Aviso account
  • Canvas account
  • Pharos (printer and copying) account

Coordinator needs to respond to ITS ticket with the following information:

  • Does the new instructor need:
    • A phone extension
    • VPN access
    • To be added to a resource account, e.g. department email list or calendar
    • Equipment needs, e.g. laptop. Request may require two weeks to process.
    • Access to department shared drives (Normally set up by department)
    • Access to Adobe Creative Cloud
    • Access to Zoom Pro License
    • Access to editing websites
    • Comments

 Ed Tech

Once the MyHighline account is created:

  1. Faculty account created on Canvas.
  2. Faculty enrolled in Canvas Orientation and Remote Teaching courses and a test course is created. (Policy on requiring orientation)
  3. Faculty complete the orientation. Typical grade turnaround is 2 business days mid-quarter, 24 hours as the quarter start approaches.
  4. Faculty are enrolled in Canvas course as instructor once the orientation is completed and all assignments are graded.
  5. Faculty manually add to the part-time faculty Canvas course by Academic Affairs


Checklist for Administrative Offices

Human Resources

  • Draft job posting to coordinator
  • Post job to NeoED
  • Get CAO/CSSO approval to hire selected candidate
  • Schedule and complete onboarding appointment
  • Complete salary placement process, notify new adjunct of salary placement
  • Complete hiring process and ctcLink account creation
  • Add new hire information to ITS account spreadsheet, including date employee was added
  • Notify coordinator and new faculty member of approval to work
  • Notify new faculty that they have to activate ctcLink and MyHighline accounts and complete the Canvas orientation

Checklist for Academic Affairs

  • Scheduling Office – Assign instructor to class

Checklist for ITS

  • Create ctclink and MyHighline accounts
  • Notify Academic Affairs about new employee account information
  • Request resource needs from coordinator
  • Activate resources per coordinator’s response
  • Notify employee of resource access via new employee ticket

Checklist for Ed Tech

  • Grade Canvas Orientation assignments

Checklist for coordinators/faculty admin assistants

If open recruitment:

  • Get the combo code from the Director, Instructional Planning & Budgets and approval from Dean or appropriate administrator
  • Send job description and quarter that the instructor will start to HR
  • Interview candidates
  • Notify HR with name of successful candidate
  • Send recruitment materials (notes, screening guide, etc.) to HR

If an instructor is already identified (e.g. no open recruitment, emergency hire)

  • Inform instructor that they need to fill out faculty position posting on NeoED
  • Notify HR of the name of the new adjunct faculty member
  • Plan for open recruitment in quarter 2

After hiring

  • Send class assignment to scheduling office
  • Send the new instructor checklist (below) to the new employee
  • Respond to the ITS email about which resources the new instructor needs
  • Arrange for keys, lab materials, etc.
  • Set up access to department shared drives, Canvas courses, or Canvas Commons sub-accounts

Checklist for new adjunct faculty

Complete the hiring process
Contact hrstaff@highline.edu or call 206-592-3812 with questions.

  • Apply in the NeoEd online recruitment system
  • Meet with Human Resources for onboarding appointment
  • Confirm class schedule and with academic department coordinator
  • Keys – check with your department coordinator and/or faculty administrative assistant

Activate technology resources
Email helpdesk@highline.edu or call 206 592-4357 with questions about account activation. Contact Educational Technology at et@highline.edu if you have questions about the Canvas Orientation.

Resources for part-time faculty


Part-time Faculty Placement is based on the criteria in Section 202 and Column placement is as follows:
1) Step A2 = Column 1
2) Steps A3 to A4 = Column 2
3) Steps A5 or higher = Column 3

Once Column placement is determined, the following adjusted reference Salary Steps will be used:
Column I = A2
Column II = A4
Column III = A6

Credit Hour (or Credit Hour Equivalent) Rate – Part-time faculty (and full-time faculty with moonlight) are compensated using the following formula:

  • 2022-2023 Credit Hour Rate = (Full Time Salary Reference Step x 68%) / 45
  • 2023-2024 Credit Hour Rate = (Full Time Salary Reference Step x 69%) / 45
  • 2024-2025 Credit Hour Rate = (Full Time Salary Reference Step x 70%) / 45

Highline College is committed to increasing the part-time faculty salary scale to 80% of the fulltime salary scale by Summer 2028 subject to negotiations and the availability of funding. In the case where total annual tuition, Running Start reimbursement, and ISP revenue exceeds $26.4 million in a given fiscal year, the College agrees to dedicate at least 30% of any surplus above that figure to achieving the part-time salary parity target of 80% of the full-time salary scale.

This sub-section recognizes that this contract is one step in a long-term progression towards achieving part-time salary parity. When contract negotiations are next conducted, part-time parity will continue to be a priority.


Each part-time faculty member must be evaluated regularly following this process.

Guideline for Tracking all Parts of the PT Faculty Evaluation Process
Here’s a document that outlines the requirements in the HCEA-HC 2022-2025 contract (Section 315).

We’ve created a Google form for data collection for evaluations. It can be found here.

Schedule for PT Faculty Evaluations

Use this spreadsheet to see when PT faculty in your department are due to be evaluated.

New PT faculty should be evaluated in their first year. Per Section 315.4.1, “After the initial evaluation, established part-time faculty will be subsequently evaluated once every three years (except for reasonable cause). Part-time faculty whose only
class meets only one quarter a year will be observed two times in that class and in that quarter, and once every three years thereafter. After teaching in ten calendar years, the part-time faculty will be evaluated once every five calendar years. If the part-time faculty member disagrees with the written evaluation, they may submit a written appeal to the CAO. The results of the Department Coordinator’s evaluation will be made available to the faculty member, appropriate Dean, and upon request, to the Division Chair and the CAO.”

SAMPLE: ELCAP Observation Form for 21-22

SAMPLE: Updated Classroom Observation Form

PLAID Rubric


Advisory Committees

Advisory Committee Policy and Procedure

Advisory Committee Member Onboarding Process

Advisory Committee Membership: Official State Board Form

Below are tools to help you manage your advisory committee.

Developing New Degrees and Certificates

New degrees and certificates must be approved by the SBCTC before being added to our list of programs. Below are some links for more information.

Graduation Review

Students may apply for graduation as soon as they register for their last quarter. At that point, if no notes are in Degree Audit, you will receive an email with a spreadsheet of students that have applied for graduation from your program. You will need to go into the notes section of Degree Audit and enter the appropriate notes.

The instructions are:

To make an evaluation please:

  1. Create a NEW note in Degree Audit for each evaluation or to update an existing evaluation, listing the exact name of the credential. (For AAS in XXX)
  2. Please list out all classes your student is currently taking that apply towards completion. (Needs to complete the following courses: )
  3. If the student has grades in all the courses required for the credential, please confirm this in the Degree Audit notes by naming the specific credential as complete. (Degree Complete)
  4. Please only make evaluation notes in Degree Audit for credentials that the student has applied for.

Also include any substitutions made in the student’s coursework.

  • Dates and Deadlines

Updating Programs for the Catalog

Each year you will need to determine if your programs need to be updated in the catalog. This could include updating program level outcomes or courses within the program. Curriculum course changes or retirements must be launched in Curriculum by November 30th for the next academic year.

To make changes, make sure the courses you need are in Curriculum. If there is a new course you are adding, this must be done first.

Program changes and or retirements must be launched in Curriculum by December 15th. The Workforce office will assist in entering and launching any program related updates. Below are the steps to make program changes in Curriculum.

  • Go to the catalog and click on the link that says “Associate Degree & Certificate Requirements”
  • Scroll down to the program you wish to update
  • Copy and paste the information on that page to a word document
  • Turn on “track changes”
  • Make updates
  • Email word document with your program changes to Academic Affairs.
  • Sample Program Update

Program Outcome Mapping

Workforce programs have additional outcomes that need to be assessed. The process is to map your course level outcomes to your degree/certificate level outcomes to make visible how each course addresses which outcomes. In addition, those can be mapped to the colleges Core Competencies. Here is a sample done by the Business department:

BUSN Degree Level Visual Mapping.xlsx

For any questions on Adjunct benefits or help with releasing adjuncts, contact Koreen Jack in HR.

Responsibilities for Part-Time Faculty – HCEA Contract Language
Section 302 in the HC-HCEA 22-25 contract outlines faculty responsibilities. The following sections pertain to PT faculty:

303.1 Responsibilities of all faculty

303.2 Responsibilities of faculty instructing classes

303.5 Responsibilities of PT faculty

  1. To ensure that course content is consistent with department guidelines
  2. To maintain communication with Department Coordinator, and with department faculty;
  3. To be able to assist students with educational planning or direct students to appropriate campus resources
  4. To be available to students outside of class time for consultation. Availability may include (but is not limited to) the following means of communication: before and after class conferences; email; telephone; and formal office hours. See formal office hours expectations as specified in 205.5.

PT Faculty Office Hours

Section 205.5 Part-time faculty must be available to students outside of class time for consultation. Availability may include (but is not limited to) the following means of communication: before and after class
conferences; email; telephone; and office hours.

Part-time faculty will have the following office hours expectations tied to the percentage of Full Time Salary Reference Step that they are receiving. To the extent classes taught are online or hybrid, office hours may be held proportionally online.

  1. Less than 75% – To be available for meeting with students or staff by appointment
  2.  75% to 79.99% – To be available for meetings with students or staff without appointments. For each five- credit or credit-equivalent class, faculty are expected to be available approximately one hour total through the week, with some variation in days
    available (and times, if possible) for the convenience of the student.
  3. 80% or more – To be available for meetings with students or staff without appointments. For each five- credit or credit-equivalent class, faculty are expected to be available approximately one hour and forty minutes total through the week, with some variation in days available (and times, if possible) for the convenience of the student. To the extent classes taught are online or hybrid, office hours may be held proportionally online.

Compensation for PT Faculty Attending Meetings

Part time faculty who attend meetings may request compensation at the negotiated rate of $35/hour through this form.

Affiliate Faculty


Affiliate faculty status is granted to part-time faculty in recognition of their service to Highline. All Department Coordinators should notify part-time faculty of the affiliate status opportunity and the requirements annually. Typically, initial appointment to affiliate status requires employment for a total of at least nine quarters of service at Highline. Part-time faculty will receive affiliate status with the recommendation of the Coordinator or Division Chair, as appropriate, and with the
approval of the CAO.


A formal, non-evaluative process is required to attain affiliate status in all departments. (Instructors who have previously earned affiliate status, whether by appointment or by application, do not need to reapply under this new system and will retain their affiliate status). The requirements for affiliate status are as follows:

  1. A resume
  2. A written statement about how your teaching practices support one or more aspects of Highline College’s mission specific to your department (500 words maximum)
  3. A list of classes taught at Highline within the past nine quarters
  4. the most recent set of student evaluations for courses taught
  5. A satisfactory evaluation within the past 3 years (or a satisfactory evaluation within the past 5 years for part-time faculty with 10 or more years at Highline)

If there are multiple part-time faculty interested in affiliate status in a department and limited affiliate positions available in a given year, the appointment of new affiliate positions will be awarded according to seniority. Seniority will be determined by the date of hire as a faculty member at Highline College.

Faculty with affiliate status will have the status renewed annually without reapplication, except for enrollment pattern changes or reasonable cause. Affiliates are also required to receive satisfactory written evaluations following the adjunct evaluation schedule as described in this contract. If an adjunct is denied affiliate status, they can appeal the decision to the CAO. Affiliates who temporarily leave Highline for up to one year (three consecutive quarters not counting summer) will get affiliate status reinstated upon return unless enrollment patterns/department needs have changed.


Affiliate faculty will receive a 3 quarter (MQC) contract and an appointment letter detailing expected teaching load for the regular academic year, per quarter, usually issued by July 31st. The 3 quarter contract and the expected employment specified in the appointment letter to an affiliate faculty member is subject to availability of classes. The affiliate faculty member may be granted bumping rights for the equivalent of 10 credits per quarter over non-affiliate part-time faculty, assuming affiliates are qualified to teach those courses. Affiliate faculty will have priority in the choosing of class assignments based on seniority within the affiliate group with the appropriate qualifications. Seniority will be determined by the date of hire as a faculty member at Highline College. In addition, faculty can buy an annual parking pass. Affiliate faculty rights and responsibilities remain the same as other part-time faculty.

Requests for affiliate faculty are given to the Division Chair by May 1st. The request should include expected load, typically showing 2 classes per quarter available to assign. This does not mean you cannot assign more than that if needed.

Substitutes for Absent Faculty
Teacher subs are appropriate whenever faculty or the program deem them to be, to substitute for a teacher who is out ill, on bereavement leave, attending a conference, or taking their personal day.

Generally, if a teacher is out for a day or two a substitute isn’t required. Faculty can assign students work to do outside of a class as an acceptable replacement for the class time. Longer absences (major illness) do call for a substitute.

  • Substitutes should be currently employed by the college as faculty (current adjuncts, or full-time or one year faculty).
  • Adjunct faculty are paid for substituting by submitting the substitute pay request form.
  • Full time faculty are not paid for substituting unless they are subbing for a block of more than four class meetings (or four hours) as that minimum (four hours) is considered to be a reasonable part of their load. The sub pay form is used for those longer sub assignments should they occur.
    The sub pay form is next.

Navigating the Class Planner:

To plan, edit, and submit your quarterly department schedules, visit the Highline Class Planner site.

Kili Cambra has provided us with a couple of useful “tips sheets” for navigating within the schedule planner.

Planner Site Tips
What’s New with Planner (not actually new anymore, but still helpful…)

Adding New Time Slots

To add a class in a time slot that didn’t exist in the prior year in your department, attempt each of these in order:

  • Attempt a trade within the department
  • Check with the scheduling office to see if there is an available classroom that has not yet been claimed that would have been available in the previous year
  • Attempt a trade within the division
  • Attempt a trade across all divisions

Scheduling Rules

The rules of what times, days, etc. classes can be scheduled are found in the links below.

Instructional Modes with Guidelines

New instruction modes and mode guidelines took effect Summer Quarter 2024. The modes include an expanded list of online class modes, changes and clarifications of hybrid courses, and updates to in-person modes.  Below are links to information about these new modes.

Exceptions to the Scheduling Rules:

Here’s the process to request a variance from the established schedule template:

  • Faculty member makes a request to the department coordinator to schedule outside the schedule template, explaining how it impacts the student class schedule and their ability to take other classes, and providing a rationale for the deviation (personal, pedagogical, etc.)
  • Department coordinator takes the request with explanation and rationale to the Division Chair
  • Division Chair consults with the other Chairs to discuss the variance might relate to and impact the overall schedule
  • If the exception is approved by other chairs, the requesting chair provides that information to scheduling and the coordinator

Enrollment Guidelines

In terms of sufficient enrollment for classes to run, we are aiming for a minimum of 16 in general, a minimum of 12 for BAS classes (300 and 400 level), and I-BEST FTE’s will continue to be calculated at 1.75.

These enrollment minimums are true regardless of class modality.

We do make exceptions for some courses, eg the cluster of courses that results in the Thunderword, our student newspaper.

Adding/Cancelling Sections

To add a section, things to consider:

  • Kili Cambra is your contact
  • Is there a waitlist? If large enough, request to open another section at same time (if room availability is not an issue) and request students be moved into the new section. This works especially well with online courses.
  • Classroom space is limited. If you want to add a class on campus at a peak time (10 or 11), we may not have a room for you! Check with Kili first.

To cancel a section

  • Are there students enrolled? Who will contact them to try to get them into other courses? Be sure to identify who will contact students before submitting the cancellation.
  • Have contracts already been issued? Make sure Carrie/Kili know to cancel the contract
  • Did the cancellation have an impact on a FTF load (did they have a moonlight and now they don’t?). If so, please contact Carrie/Kili to make sure the moonlight contract gets cancelled.

Independent Studies

  • Adding an independent study is also done through a request to Kili. If the independent study is an actual class (Econ&202) but done through independent study, include this information in your request so it gets transcripted as the actual course.

Once the course is created you can provide an entry code for the student to use to register.